Friday, August 01, 2008

Irony (or Atropos)

This weekend, four fortyish, single, hiv-positive men will pile into a car in Northern California and drive to the memorial -- the celebration of life -- for a [probably] hiv-negative man whose life was cut unexpectedly, shockingly short at the age of 37.

Things happen.


Anonymous said...

They do.

For the record, B.A. isn't single at the moment. Saying it on Facebook makes it so.

Joe said...

unmarried = single

LadrĂ³n de Basura (a.k.a. Junk Thief) said...

Sorry about the loss. Indeed, things happen, and it's hard to see where justice can be found in all of it. It's likely not there.

TigerYogiji said...

I'm so sorry for your loss, Hon. :(

BigAssBelle said...

life is full of twists and turns. if we fully accepted what could be waiting for any one of us around the next corner, we'd probably all collapse into fearful little heaps all across the planet.

i'm sorry for the loss of your friend. maybe in another life we'll get an explanation for shit like this. hugs to you, honey.

Fabulously in the City said...

Thanks for the response on JMG :-)